Own a home in Florida? Don’t want it stolen? There are safeguards for title theft, but more are needed.

A Fort Myers realtor passionate about the issue offered several actionable suggestions to improve homeowner protections. Title theft, or deed fraud, is a growing problem in Florida and nationwide. It’s the criminal practice of forging documents to steal another person’s home or other real estate property. State lawmakers recently added safeguards to help [...]

Deed Fraud and Title Theft Prevention

Buying or selling a property in Florida is a very BIG DEAL! Make sure you don't get a raw deal like Jane. We will: Ensure you understand any restrictions, obligations, or "fine print" BEFORE you sign a contract. Advise you on any legal issues associated with your transaction, like whether the "seller" is legally [...]

Fraud and Forgery – Catch Me If You Can

The rise in instances of fraud and forgery in real estate transactions continues to sound alarms across the industry. The statistics governing fraud and forgery and the way the parties are targeted give all of us cause for concern. CertifID, a third-party verification service, reports that the [...]

2024-10-21T15:27:08-04:00Real Estate Law|

Siegel and Siegel Awarded President’s Circle and Million Dollar Circle Awards

2024-10-21T15:34:29-04:00Real Estate Law|
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